
Showing posts from July, 2022

reversing gum loss

Receding gums can be discomfiting, but there are ways to reverse this process naturally. Oil pulling, dentures, and a daily toothbrush can help. Here are some tips to follow to prevent gum infections. You should also brush your teeth regularly to avoid tartar buildup between the teeth and dentures. Dentures should also be cleaned and disinfected after each use. However, it is important to maintain oral hygiene before and after wearing dentures. What Are Receding Gums? Have you ever wondered what receding gums are? Due to genetics, approximately 30% of the population may be more susceptible to receding gums. While you cannot prevent receding gums, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk. A routine visit to the dentist can help you maintain proper oral health and prevent the signs and symptoms of receding gums. One cause of receding gums is inadequate oral hygiene. Toothbrushing can cause gums to get larger but not recede completely. Not brushing can also cause bacteria to g